A podiatrist is a doctor of podiatric medicine who specializes in diagnosing and treating foot, toe, and ankle problems, including skin and toenail issues to infections, sprains, fractures, sports injuries, deformities, disorders, and diseases.

Call a podiatrist when you experience any of the following issues:

  • Persistent, chronic, increasing, or sudden pain in the feet, toes, or ankles
  • Any change in the feet, toes, or ankles, such as swelling or the taking on of a bluish, reddish, or purplish color
  • Signs of infection, including swelling, redness, tenderness, heat, red streaks, or discharge of pus
  • Any infection that spreads to another area of the feet or toes
  • Any change in the toenails or skin on the feet, including thickening nails, blisters, or severe cracking, scaling, or peeling
  • Symptoms that do not go away or improve within two weeks of using an over-the-counter treatment on your own

Podiatrists provide the following medical services to patients to maintain healthy feet, toes, and lower legs: education on proper hygiene, care, and exercise; diagnoses and treatments for pain, deformities, injuries, diseases, and disorders; surgeries to correct problems; prescriptions for appropriate therapy and diagnostic procedures; prescribe and fit orthotics; and consult with other doctors or specialists to provide patients with a collaborative approach to health care.

Proudly serving Nassau County, NY for over 25 years

Every patient is unique and so are treatments. The information on this website is for educational purposes and each individual
patient care model may differ.