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Friday, 03 May 2019 15:38

What To Know About Wearing High Heels

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Why Are High Heels Bad to Your Feet?

High heels shift your center of gravity forwards, causing increased pressure on the front of the foot, which compresses the forefoot and toes. High heels shorten the heel cord (Achilles tendon) making it less effective to function normally.


While I as a podiatrist never recommend wearing high heels, some women want to wear them, no matter what. So if you are set on wearing them, try to make the smartest choice. Look for a high heel with a wider, rounder toe box to reduce compression on the forefoot and toes. Also, look for a shoe with a wider heel post to aid in balance. Lastly, if you “have to” wear high heels look for a shoe with a high forefoot (platform), so that you get some height without putting the foot in a severe downward angle.

The best shoes for adults are comfortable shoes. Do they have support where you need it? Do they fit properly? Do they protect your foot? Listen to your body; if the shoe is uncomfortable, it is not good for you.

At South Shore Foot Care, we treat adults and children every day. Call us so we can help you: in Franklin Square at 516-374-3668 or in Cedarhurst at 516-775-8440.